Weekly Photography Challenge: Satisfaction

This week it’s images of satisfaction we are looking for, and once more I’m running late with my response. I have an excuse, though, and his name is Banjo – he’s my third grandchild (to date) and he’s just past six weeks old.

Satisfaction can come from many things and experiences, but a nice cup of tea is satisfactory to many of us. I took this photo of  a vintage “trio” to use in advertising our local Hall’s planned High Tea later this year.IMG_2015s

There’s a lot of satisfaction in spending time with little kids, especially when they’re grandkids and you get to give them back! Juniper and Banjo are siblings, Matilda (in the middle) is their cousin. Juni’s satisfaction comes from playing with her many vehicles, but she also loves “Icy-colds”, regardless of the weather. Matilda is fond of dancing on tables, which her grown-ups are less keen on, but fear of falling doesn’t seem to occur to her! Banjo is fairly easily satisfied with a full belly and a dry bottom, he doesn’t want much else.


Weekly Photography Challenge: Unusual

I like to take photos of things that I think are unusual, so maybe my challenge response should be a photo of something…ordinary.

That lemon is off our own tree, and it’s very ordinary indeed. So ordinary that it’s actually unusual, but not much use as a lemon, sadly. The normal one behind is purchased.

The jar contains many pieces of broken china, which I have picked up over the years around our local area. People must have used anywhere outside as a rubbish dump back in the Good Old Days, but only china and glass remain, fortunately. I’m fascinated by the patterns.

I don’t think it was me who added the Lego pirate to the vignette on my desk – he appears to be patting the Chipmunk, which is not to scale with him, or the Bison. Quite unusual, really!

Weekly Photography Challenge: Collage

I thought I might make a new collage to photograph for this weeks challenge, but yet again, the week has run away from me (or with me?). Anyway, I made this little book some years ago, and it’s full of collaged elements. I cut words and definitions out of an old dictionary to illuminate the quotes I used in it.

Click on the images for detail.

Making collage out of a collection of miscellaneous scraps can be great fun, and I’m often amazed at how meaningful random juxtapositions can be. I think it’s about time I assembled a hodgepodge pile of bits and pieces and made another little book!

Weekly Photography Challenge: Underneath the Bridge

When I read this week’s challenge theme (a week that is nearly over…) there was only one bridge  I was thinking of. I did take some photos while crossing a bridge over the Murray recently – only there was no card in the camera…we’ll have to go that way again sometime, and try again.

We have plans to visit Aberdeen, Washington again someday, and if we do, we will certainly visit the famous bridge again. It must have been a great private spot forty years ago, now not so much…it’s a place of pilgrimage instead. Someone had carved “KURT” in giant letters on the mud of the bank, and every accessible surface was embellished with graffiti –  messages to Kurt, and quotes of Nirvana lyrics, mostly. All that will have changed by now.

Bryan insisted on taking a photo of me standing under it. I’m the photographer in our family, which means I don’t get in many photos. This was August 2011, and about halfway through our month in the Pacific North West.

Weekly Photography Challenge:

The theme for this week is Delta – where a river transitions into the ocean. I haven’t seen or photographed any literal deltas lately – maybe not ever – so I’ve been thinking about what a metaphorical delta might be.

I recently told one of my sons that I definitely didn’t want to buy another desk, because I had a perfectly good table I could use. But then someone donated this desk to the oppy/thrift store where I volunteer –  and I changed my mind, even though I need to rearrange furniture in three rooms to make space for it. At the moment, this process is in transition -similar(ish) to a river making it’s way into the sea, there is a lot of chaos on the surface!

It’s going to be a lovely, calm room, once I get past the rough inter-tidal zone of working out where everything goes. Those green turtles came from Christmas crackers one year – almost every cracker held another turtle – surprise!