Weekly Photography Challenge: Corner

Standing on the corner, or in the corner… so many possible angles to this challenge….

I’ve chosen a corner of my life – and the corners of my sunroom, which I’ve been redecorating and decluttering (work in progress!)for some time. My Dad built this room – an extension of the existing verandah – about 25 years ago. It was his therapy after my sister died, and it’s served a number of functions over the years. On a sunny winter afternoon, the couch is the best seat in the house – and a favourite spot for the cat, of course.

Taking photos of my decor gives me a greater appreciation for the work of interiors photographers – there’s more too it than plumping the cushions and clicking the button! I suspect that someone does a lot of tidying and “editing” of the homes we see in magazines. I’d love to see before and after styling pics – I think they’d be instructive!

Weekly Photography Challenge: Oooh Shiny!

One of the attractions of photography is trying to capture those Oooh Shiny! moments for posterity, or perhaps to share with someone else who would have been equally distracted (and still can be, thanks to you and your camera).

Yesterday morning I had plans in place to wash walls in preparation for painting…but there was ‘good’ frost, so the plans went on the backburner for a while. I had to go and feed my son’s cat, and I kept my focus long enough to feed him before I got waylaid by icy cactus spines, dewdrops (almost gave up on that one, the camera wouldn’t stay focused…) and violets that looked like they’re frosted with sugar.

I finished my painting this afternoon, so I didn’t get distracted for too long…

Weekly Photography Challenge: Elemental


Nature photographers will be in their element this week, with the Elemental theme inviting images of Earth, Air, Fire and Water – maybe all at once!

Mine are mainly fire – my youngest son’s birthday is in late April, when fire restrictions are generally lifted. By then, we have a pile of fallen branches and other flammable rubbish piled up ready. No bonfire is complete without an effigy of some sort, and making a ghastly guy is now part of the ritual. There always seems to be an old, unwanted item of furniture for the pile, too – one less thing in landfill, and a sobering illustration of how quickly synthetic materials burn.

It’s also an incredible photo opportunity, yielding a series of dramatic images.

Weekly Photography Challenge: Textures

When I saw that this week’s challenge is textures, my first thoughts were of roughness and bumpiness although lack of bumps is also a texture.

One of the attractions of taking pics of my daughter’s three cats on the bed is the contrasting textures of their fur and the bedding.

I made an Elizabethan style smocked and embroidered baby gown for my middle son 36 years ago. Last week I had my 7 week old grandson, Banjo, model it for me – the stitches on the fabric have lovely texture – so do his squooshy cheeks!

The white Japonica is beautiful, but last summer it was overrun by Cleavers/Goosegrass, which is now silvery grey and a nice contrast with the blossom. It’s also covered in seeds, unfortunately…


Grampians Textures is also the name of the annual textile workshop-fest that takes place in Halls Gap in March. I don’t get to do a course every year, but I did do four days of mixed media with Kieth Lo Bue this year – lots of textures in these pieces I made.