Weekly Photography Challenge/Creativity: Victory


This week’s photography challenge is all about the win – Victory – and a handful of scarlet cherries from my tiny cherry tree is definitely a win.victory jar

Likewise finding this old Agee “victory” preserving jar at the Salvos. I’m guessing it’s older than me, but in perfect condition. I don’t know who Roy may have been, but he must have had some sort of win to have his name engraved on a cup!

When Moyston Art Inc formed, our plan was to introduce some public art around our township. In March, just before the famous Sheep Dog Trials, Andy installed his Border Collie and three recalcitrant sheep (all sheep are recalcitrant…) on the fence of the sportsground. Ollie’s Emu was the first piece completed, and after months of applications and negotiations with Council and VicRoads, the Emu has finally, victoriously, landed on the roadside near the sports pavillion. My own piece, “Resurgence”, is well under way with the winning assistance of Moyston Primary School students (and Mr Cain). It should be “up” by Christmas, all being well, and if it draws attention to the empty shop, and someone buys it and gets it running again….well, that would be the biggest win of all!