Weekly Photography Challenge: Reward

All kinds of challenges in life bring rewards, and this week, the photography challenge is to share photos depicting a reward of some kind…There’s an old saying that “Virtue is it’s own reward”, which I’m taking to mean that doing something good is a reward in itself. My daughter and I went out today with Juniper, who is almost eighteen months old now.a cuppa

First stop (after buying some veggies for tea) was the local cafe, where Juni enjoyed her soy babychino, while we took ours with caffeine.adventure

Next, a run on a sports field, where her Mum found a few flowers, each of which was delivered to Granny by Juni.adventure 2

After a good rewarding run around, we walked home along one of Canberra’s many pedestrian friendly paths, which lead through this equally rewardingly echo-y underpass.a cat

Finally, Juni had the joy of trying to  pat to one of her neighbourhood cats – an exotic creature which both avoids and courts her. She didn’t even get close…

5 thoughts on “Weekly Photography Challenge: Reward

  1. Pingback: A Delightful Surprise [“Risking Exposure”; a paperback gift from the author] | Ramisa the Authoress

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