Friday Poem: Prayer

Because it’s Good Friday…late light 3

Dear god
Dear Boddah of Compassion
Whatever name you choose
Or face you show
Love is your essence
Your heart is all compassion
In your hands is peace
And in your eyes is light
Light for my soul

Dear God
Dear Boddah of Compassion
A dark angel leads me
Leads me to the love of you
Broken on the wheel of compassion
I am finding perfect peace
Opening my eyes to darkness
I can see the Light of You

Dear God
Dear Boddah of Compassion
I can see the Light of You
Make me whole

late light 4I love the late slanting golden light that pours into the house on some autumn evenings. Whatever I was doing was quickly abandoned as I picked up the camera, and went on a quest to try to record it!late light 6

I don’t think that the fuzziness of this last shot detracts from the effect at all – quite the  opposite!